Seasoned with Salt

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Americans Accustomed to Change But Not Elected Officials

Americans over the past 20+ years have been downsized, rightsized and outsourced. Technological advances, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) have moved jobs beyond our borders to other countries with huge benefits to corporate America while the American people continued to spend and cause people in other countries to prosper. NAFTA created the worlds largest free trade market and CAFTA expanded that market. These are decisions that elected officials made for Americans. These are the people who should be looking out for America's best interest.

Americans should be accustomed to change. We have changed from being a country that builds to a country that buys. Problem is, we cannot keep buying if we are not building. We have changed from going to work everyday to waiting for unemployment checks to come in the mailbox every week. Some change, the minute you hear it, you know it cannot be good, like NAFTA and CAFTA. Other times you do not know immediately if the change is positive or negative, but it is certain that in America change is constant.

In America today, an employee retiring after 25+ years on the job is almost a thing of the past. It is rare. However our elected officials who have implemented so many changes for us, have experienced very little change in their careers. There are 100 senate seats and at least 20 Senators have over 20 years in office with many more between 16-18 years. Senator Byrd from West Virginia has 51 years and Senator Inouye of Hawaii has 47 years in office. In the House many have served over 36 years. John Dingell is the longest serving member in history who has been in office since 1955 and 29 years old. Many of these elected officials are millionaires.

It is time for our elected officials to be involved in the American culture that they have helped to create. They should understand just like other Americans that you have to perform the job you are hired/elected to do; or you have to find another position. It is time form many elected officials to find another job. We can help.

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