Seasoned with Salt

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Scrapbooking Is All You Need

I have been scrapbooking for over 5 years and one of the things that I love about scrapbooking is that it satisfies so many of the things that I enjoy. You can scrapbook for yourself or for others. You can scrap pictures and journal for fun or you can get therapeutic and scrap and journal for more personal reasons. Either way the enjoyment of scrapbooking is the same. Remember scrapbooking is not just about the pictures, it is also about the journaling.

If you like to take pictures or you know someone who does then this is another option for displaying your photographs. If you have old family photos just lying around then this is a great way to preserve them and journal them so that in the future family members will know something about the people are in the photos. Create a family tree in your scrapbook. And all scrapbook items are archival quality products. They are made to stand the test of time. Once you start scrapbooking, you will think differently about your photos while you are taking them and the options on how you want the pictures developed.

If browsing is part of your shopping experience then you have picked the right hobby. You can spend hours in scrapbook stores or sections looking at paper and embellishments. You imagine your pages while you are in the store, planning the possibilities. Or you just look for the items you like or items on sale that you will use one day. You can keep paper and embellishments for years, and eventually you will find a use for them. The browsing and shopping is relaxing. Once you have some basic supplies, scrapbooking does not have to be an expensive hobby.

If you like to decorate and I do, once you start working on your page; that is exactly what it is, decorating. You can be creative you can make your page anything you want it to be. Only you have to like the page. If other people like it, that is a plus, but your opinion is the only important opinion. Scrap bookers have to resist the urge to go back and redo beginning pages. Some scrapers are perfectionist; I am not want one of those people. That is another one of the great things about scrapbooking, it adjust to your personality. You can be perfect if you want or not.

Scrapbooking can be social or individual. There are scrapbook retreats, conventions and crops. One of the great things about social scrapbooking is you learn so much from the other participants. And with the right group it is a lot of fun. Scrapbooking alone is productive and relaxing. Once you get your creative juices flowing the sky is the limit on how productive you can be. Also scrapbooking supplies also work for card making.

So if you are looking for a great hobby, browsing, shopping, decorating, creating, relaxing, traveling, social or individual consider scrapbooking, it could be everything you need. Happy Scrapping

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